Friday, November 1, 2019

5th Grade Portal Team plans book trailer project. @WISDCannan #CannanMVPs #WillisISD #iCoachesConnect

Watching student-created book trailers on Youtube
Cannan's 5th grade Portal Team is embarking on a student creativity project that will be shared with teachers and their students. My goal for these students is to explore different video-creation software that can be utilized by elementary students on our various devices, including our ASUS, Dell Venue, Dell 3150 Windows tablets, Chromebooks, and iPads.

Brainstorming storyboard layouts
The team uses the Notes app on the iPads to make a collaborative list of storyboard ideas, editing software, photo download ideas, and video creation software. They are unanimous in choosing our Cannan News Crew Youtube Channel that they created as the presentation platform for the book trailers. Privacy considerations are paramount and parental permission is a must, as student names must not be used on the web.

Collaborative brainstorming in the Notes app on the iPads

Teachers are ready to get started with book-trailer reading extensions! We are super excited about this project. Stay tuned for more news about the Cannan Book-Trailer Project!
