Tech Tool Tips


Mrs. Good and I are so excited that we now have the Reflector App for our classroom iPads! Mrs. Good purchased the app to make sure we can screen mirror your teacher iPad through your projector to your whiteboard! There are so many ways you can use Reflector and your iPad! You can model learning apps on your whiteboard,  demonstrate how to navigate the iPad, and use it as a learning station!

One of my major goals this year is to encourage our entire Cannan family to fully utilize Willis ISD's Single Sign On, also known as Hello ID. Also known as our SSO 😊. This is a very good idea, a little change at the beginning but we will all be glad we learned how!

Did you know every computer and tablet desktop
 in WISD has a link for the WISD SSO?

This handy little tool is the perfect way for our students to access all the Willis ISD and campus software and apps! The apps currently in our Cannan SSO are Stemscopes, our textbook resources, Discovery Education (referenced in our new TexGuides!), Tumblebooks, and so much more. Since we have had some changes this year in our technology applications, there may be some icons in there that do not work right, I may need to add what you request, and I may need to check into what needs to be removed. Please do not hesitate to shoot me an email about anything contained in this handy little SSO container!

The other great thing is, once teachers and students log in with their credentials, lots of the apps are authenticated! That means once you log in at the front side, the things inside automatically remember you!

If you are a lucky teacher that has Chromebooks, your students already know how to log into the SSO because when they login it just goes straight to the SSO. That's why we all love Chromebooks for students so much in Willis ISD! 🤓

For teachers, you log in with your WISD username and password just like you log into your computer every morning. 🧐 Your SSO password should update when you have to change your WISD domain password.

For students, they log in their WISD Google Drive credentials. Their username is Of course there can be a catch to this, as always is the case. If the student username is shortened or was changed a little, you can figure it out by going on your teacher computer, compose an email, and type the student's name as the recipient. The correct username with the different or shortened spelling will pop up. Be sure they write it down because it may be easy for them to forget at first. The student password is their initials and their 6-digit ID (or lunch number). That means the typical student has a 5-digit lunch number, and they have to add a zero to the front to make 6. Those student who have a short lunch number, like 45, have to add 4 leading zeroes to their number. So a typical student login looks like:
password jp012345.

If you have trouble with getting in yourself, or one of your students has trouble, notify me right away. I can reset students or figure out what the problem is pretty quickly.

There is another way to get all your class usernames and passwords on one sheet. Just ask me and I will be happy to tell you about how to do that.

For younger students, there is an "easy" SSO login: Username cannansso, password cannansso. They can also get into lots of things inside the SSO with this much easier login.
Please be sure to ask your friendly iCoach for help with anything you need!!!